Saturday, December 23, 2023

I got a Parrot!

 Today, I got a parrot!

This was a great gift after my canary bird died, and before Christmas. I named him Coco!

By the way, for my Christmas present I want a MacBook Pro from 2019, because its lighter than my Dell G3 3500!

Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 15, 2023

My canary bird died today :(

 If you don't know, I had a canary bird that died today at 22:00 (EEST).

Since he died, it's been too quiet in my room, and I don't like it!

I don't know how he died, but I think that is because of the sand I used to clean his cage, because he recently started to eat it, a lot!

I miss her! :(

*I wish he could sing one more time*

Back to my own things!

 Because school is over, I will go back to my own thinks like nostalgia! Now I listening to Alaska and writing this post in peace, now I can...