Tuesday, April 16, 2024

I just fell off from my bike!

 Today I went swimming and I got mad at grandma, so I cycled to swimming.

Everything was fine until the swimming session was over, I got on my bike and because I have a sister who doesn't know how to ride a bike, my mom was taking her, my mom saw that I wasn't wearing a jacket or something... because she gave me hers!

After my mom gave me her jacket, I started cycling home and it was windy and my bike was going left and right because of the wind, and I had to go faster to make my bike not go like that!

Someone calls me and I answer... in the meantime I wanted to stop so I used the brake, but I used the one that stops instantly, and I fell, I was going to fall on my head, but I supported myself on my elbows!

After I hung up, I got up and started cursing the brake, and then I picked up the parts that fell off the bike and continued to go home, and I got home before my mom and my sister, and I said, " Is strange. ..."

But even later they came too...

I explained to my mother why I was hurt, and she told me that "it could have been worse", then I washed my wounds... and helped my mother make food for tomorrow.

By the way, I cried all night about the t-shirt I destroyed when I fell and for the bike, not for me, and my mother's jacket didn't suffer a thing!

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