Friday, June 14, 2024

The Olympic Day in Timisoara

 My tutor from school was so interested in this race that he let us go from school to these games, and so we did.

So, instead of doing school, where running!

I ran like 1 km but I got tired, and I find a colleague and talk with him until the finish line. There was a raffle too, but nobody from our class won, and I didn't got a ticket in the first place.

But our tutor, got us some McDonalds and then we got home!

And to make it clear he didn't pay our orders, only for those who didn't had money, and if you're interested I bought for me and a friend, 2 McChicken (well in Romania isn't actually the same, its pickles instead of salad and it's called McPuişor), 1 Large Fries (here you can see the Romanian equivalent) and 1 Mayonnaise Packet (US | RO)

All of it was about 24 RON (5.15 USD)!

Today was good, but when I writhing this is 4:09 PM, so the day it's almost over and I am a little bit sad because of it...

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